"This style icon is well known for his mysterious but always on point outfits and his records that seem to fit the night vibe like a pair of gloves." Doka
"Psycho-Jones equals flavor, fashion, obscure music and excitement, all at the same time." Volkshotel
Psycho-Jones is entertaining the Central European crowd since more than twenty years already. Since seventeen years he is using this weird synonyme which comes from a satiric short story he wrote himself.
From Stockholm to Bern, from Barcelona to Amsterdam, from Copenhagen to Munich, from Paris to Berlin, you might have met him before. Resident at White Trash and Wilde Renate/Berlin, Dorett/Mainz and many other venues and clubs before, he is still pushing his record cases through European nights in his very own way: record case work out, no ugly laptop face or MP3-fatbelly.
His performance is more than a normal DJ set. His fans describe it as an action DJ show. This guy always adds much more to a night than most DJs might dare to.
He is into all kinds of Rock and Roll, playing all from 60ies Soul to 70ies Glam to 80ies, Pop & Wave, Garage, Rock, Punk, Indierock, Electropop and Disco. Fresh and slippery hot shit from all decades all served plus trashy decor gadgets, stand-ups, vintage video games, weird game shows, crazy show outfits, live percussion and many more.
Deutsches Filmmuseum Frankfurt
Nationaltheater Mannheim
Red Cat Mainz
Oper München
Fashion Week Berlin/Wilde Renate
Volkshotel Amsterdam